Employment Services
At Employment Options Emploi, we are committed to providing you with a full range of quality employment services relevant to your needs. Our Service Charter clearly explains what you can expect as our client. Please read our Service Charter (PDF) to find out more.
What do we provide?
- Help with job preparation tools like creating resumes, cover letters, and job applications.
- Guidance on job search strategies and ongoing coaching throughout your job search.
- Access to computers and the internet for emails and online career resources.
- Information about careers, trades, and professions, including apprenticeships.
- Coaching on life skills that support successful employment.
- Orientation for working in a new workplace.
- Orientation on general apprenticeships.
- Information on specific professions/trades.
- Job postings on our agency website or job board.
- Help for people trained in other countries to evaluate their skills, experience, and credentials according to Ontario’s professional standards. We also help them create short- and long-term strategies for getting professional accreditation and finding employment.
- Resources to help with other employability-related issues like housing, transportation, daycare and settlement services.
- Referrals to other community services and programs, including Literacy and Basic Skills, language training.
- Local labour market information.
- Identifying and matching career interests, skills, abilities, including self-employment.
Resources Centres: We offer resource and information centres for anyone in the community. You can easily access computers, the internet, photocopiers, fax machines, job boards, resource boards, and more. Our staff is here to assist you with your individual needs and help you connect with other community services to reach your employment and career goals.
Support Programs
We have several programs that can support eligible individuals. Our staff can help you figure out if you qualify and assist you in applying.
Better Jobs Ontario helps eligible unemployed, laid-off workers or individuals from low-income households who are facing difficulties finding work. The program provides skills training to help them prepare for high-demand jobs in Ontario.
Youth Job Connection (YJC) designed for youth aged 15 to 29 with multiple or complex barriers to employment. YJC provides various supports, including paid pre-employment training, job matching, paid job placements, and help with education and transitioning into the workforce.
Youth Job Connection Summer is YJC’s summer component. It helps youth aged 15 to 18 who face multiple or complex barriers to employment by providing summer, part-time, and after-school job opportunities. The program offers a range of support, including paid training prior to starting a job, job matching services, paid job placements, and guidance for their education and transition into the workforce.
These services are designed to help young people build their skills and gain the experience they need to succeed in the workforce.
Consider an Apprenticeship
An apprenticeship program combines on-the-job and in-school training for employment in a skilled trade. It enables workers to get the workplace and classroom training they need to become certified in their chosen trade.
An apprenticeship is a pathway to a rewarding career in the trades. As an apprentice, you’ll take classes and learn your trade by working under the guidance of experienced workers – and get paid while you do it.
For more information please visit the Ministry of Ontario’s website: https://www.ontario.ca/page/start-apprenticeship
New to Canada?
Do you have experience or training from outside of Canada? We can help you determine how your skills match with Ontario’s workforce requirements. We can also help make a plan to get certified and find a job. Contact us today to learn more.
Whether you’re just starting out or trying to advance in your career, you don’t have to do it alone. We are here to support you on your path to employment, regardless of your background or experience.